Liberty football has completed its first five practices of training camp as the Flames continue to prepare for the 2024 season and its season opener on August 31 against Campbell.

Read and watch everything coach Jamey Chadwell had to say during Tuesday’s press conference, about one week into training camp…

Opening Comment

“Five days. So, today’s number six. And so, the first four days, the first two are in helmets, and then we got into some pads on Friday and Saturday, upper shells is what people call them. Then yesterday, we started some situational football, as far as getting some third down. And so, I do like our energy that we we’ve shown every day. I think we come with a good attitude. I do think some some areas of improvement are just being consistent throughout the whole practice. Once it starts getting hot towards the end of practice, you can see some guys lose some focus and things, but that’s to be expected your first five and you’ve got a lot of newer guys as well. But I do like the energy.”

“I do like our recall from the summer, as far as most of the team has a good understanding of what we’re doing. They recall a lot of information. So, I think we’re ahead from that standpoint. As far as an install. Now, as we get into it, you know, the way our practice is shaped, we went four days, were off, two days were off, four days we’re off, and then we get into a whole straight week. So, we’re into this where we’ve got practice today, and then we’re a day. I think that helps them get their legs, get their mind where it needs to be, from a standpoint of continue to learn how to, you know, get better at each practice. But, like the team so far, we got, obviously, some ways to go, but I do believe we’re, we’re coming together.”

What do you want to see in these afternoon practices?

“We did one yesterday, so this will be our second one. And part of that is, one you get into heat a little bit, you know, some of the games we’re playing, at least early in the season, there’s opportunity to have some heat. So that’s one, two, as of right now on our schedule, we don’t have a game before six o’clock until November, and obviously, we’re a morning practice team all year long. And so just trying to get our guys used to that during that time frame a little bit.”

“And one also gives you a chance to walk through when we’re doing the heavier install, as far as situational football, some of those, it gives us a chance to walk through it prior to, beat on it a bunch, and then go out and perform it. So hopefully, from a recall and understanding it helps us. From there, we’ll do that until school starts.”

“I’m used to the morning. So yesterday, I was wondering who made the schedule to be honest with you. But we’ll get it figured out here soon and work our way into it a little bit.”

Through the first week of camp, what have you been most pleased about with your team and what’s one area you’re trying to focus on moving forward?

“I think our conditioning and the speed that we play with, physicality, the first few days has been good, you know, and that’s a credit to Coach Scott and the strength staff. And I do like that. What was the second part of your question?”

What’s something that you’re focusing on, maybe for improvement moving forward?

“I think there’s a lot there. I think the main thing that you want to see is keeping an intensity when you get tired, when you’re going into the Flames Quarter, and it’s been a struggle for three quarters, that you still can keep your mind sharp and strong, you’re going to get physically tired. But I think the thing that this team’s got to realize is learn how to keep an intensity and keep a focus for four and that’s part of the reason we’re changing up the schedule is because, as you guys know our schedule changes in October, so we’re trying to get them used to not being in a routine as much. And so they have to get out of routine and how to respond, and just them understanding how to respond in a good way. And so I think that’s the area that I would like to see us continue to take another step with.”

What do you see from the receivers, especially a lot of the new faces so far here in camp?

“You know, there’s some good things. Elijah Canion’s made some nice plays, one on one plays. Juju gray can really go. I mean, he can go. I think there’s consistency that needs to happen there. You know, most of those guys that that we brought in relatively new, most of them just got here in the summer, right? And so their knowledge offensively is not where other people is, and they’ve got to make that up. And I think, a lot is new to them thinking, ‘Okay, I did this time we get a new formation. There’s, you still see they’re thinking a little bit, but from a from an athletic standpoint, they’ve been able to make able to make some plays out there. There’s got to be consistent from them.”

“I do like our young receivers, Jon Monteiro, Eric Smith, have done a nice job. I think they’ve got a chance to do some good things down the line here, but our guys that are returning have not missed a step that were either here in the spring or with us last year. They’ve done a nice job of helping those newer people take steps, but we need to be consistent.”

Aaron Bedgood was so dynamic a season ago. Is there a guy that can slide into that role, or was he just unique in that he could kind of play that running back and receiver?

“You know, Aaron was special from a standpoint. He could run routes, and he could catch well enough, and he was a tough, tough guy, and so he was willing to play as a minor back and go up there and block somebody and all that. I think we have athletic talent to replace that position. Whether we have the mindset that Aaron had, that’s remains to be seen. I think that was, to me, it was the competitive advantage that Aaron had, is he did have a great mindset. He didn’t care what you asked him to do. I mean, he was selling insurance, right? And so he looked these other guys been playing football their whole life, you know? I think we’ve got some guys that could fill that role. It remains to be seen how much yet. Are they willing to do some of that other stuff that’s not as cute, get your name in a book, so to speak.”

Is Vaughn Blue one of the leading candidates there?

“Vaughn’s more of a true running back. Aaron, he could do well enough at both. Vaughn’s a running back. Vaughn can run some routes, but we’re not asking him to run everything. I think the guys that you would love to see take that step would be Juju (Gray), Darius Copeland, who has really turned some heads early in camp, and then as a freshman like an Eric Smith, those are the body types you’d hope would be able to see doing that. The mentality has to come with that. And I think that’s where we got to see if one of them were going to have that, to be able to, let’s say, grow that package the way it can potentially help you.”

Going a step further, who else on this team have you identified that bring the intangible qualities that can help this team battle through potential slumps in camp?

“That’s a good question. I’m going to have to think a little bit here. Can I refrain on that and give us a few more days? I’ve got a couple people in mind, but we’ve really not hit enough to see where that’s going to be yet. Early on, when your first four or five, first two you are in helmets. You know, it’s like us going out there. The next time I’m here, ask me that.

What position group have you seen the most competition?

“I would say, I think our linebackers, and I would say our secondary, specifically, probably safety. I think we’ve got, from a safety and linebacker, there’s probably six guys that have a chance to play at some point there and you know, and not just a you know, game is out of hand or this or that, I think they can play and have some type of role on the team, that would be good. And then I think in the secondary, from a safety position, we got a lot of guys there that have ability to play in this league. I think the key is going to be there, just who’s consistent? But I think there’s a lot of depth there and a lot of competition, which is good, but I think they can find a role to play.”

“And the key is, will they be the star in their role? Right? Not everybody can be a star, but if they can star in a role, then we get a chance to, you know, have a good team, and that’s what we have to do as coaches is get our team to understand a little bit is a you won’t be a starter, you’re not there yet, but you can star in this role that you have.”

How much have you tuned into the kicking game here these first few days?

“I’m not a fan of kickers, just in general, but I’ve tried, I’ve tried really hard, and tried is a bad word. It’s like, hey, I’m trying to lose weight. That means I’m just going to go eat whatever I need to commit. But we had a really good day yesterday. As far as we had a field goal competition, and I don’t think we missed one. Now the day before, we didn’t know what an upright looked like. So, there needs to be some more consistency. I think Max Morgan has started off camp really well, as far as punting. He’s obviously, as you know, somebody that did it last year, and he’s our holder and our punter. He kicked off for us as well. So, I like what we’ve seen in him there. I think with our kickers, we’ve got a battle there, three or four guys and somebody needs to take a hold of it and just have consistent days. And so, they all, to their credit, been working hard. And I’m probably harder on them than other things. I don’t know why, probably because I don’t like kickers, but they’ve worked hard. They have and I give them credit, they come out every day, and there’s a battle going on, and they know it, but they don’t let that affect them. So hopefully, as I said, over the next 20 practices, you know, we’ll have somebody we can say this is our guy that we can count on and go out there, not gonna make them all, but we just know that when he goes out there, you know, there’s a good chance that he’s gonna be consistent in what we need him to do.”

“I do like kickers. I just don’t like how they miss kicks.”

If you’re able to highlight maybe one or two people on each side of the ball, that’s pleasantly surprised you so far during camp, who would that be?

“Offensively, I would say Darius Copeland. Darius, we signed him last year, and he tore his ACL in high school, and so he tore it late, and so he was just sort of out there, and we were looking for a receiver, and we knew about him early on, and then he got here last year, his knee, he was still trying to rehab through it, and made some progress through the spring, but he’s looked really good the first few days and through summer and all that, and just making plays and just attitude and everything. So, he’s been a pleasant surprise. We thought he would be a good player. I did not think he would be where he’s at currently, so I like what we’ve seen from him.”

“And then, defensively, there’s a couple on my mind here, pick which one I think is more worthy currently. Aidan Vaughan has made some good strides for us. A linebacker where that’s a position in need, as you know, from a depth. Really pleased with where he came from in the spring until now and he’s somebody that we believe that we can rely on, that can play there. So
he’s done a nice job for us.”