Liberty takes on Longwood tonight at 7pm in Farmville. Who doesn’t love Farmville?
Longwood students got in on this Harlem Shake video craze:
I’d like those 30 seconds of my life back, please.

Lancers getting ready to take on Calvary Tabernacle Church inside cavernous Willett Hall.
Head Coach Mike Gillian in his 10th season at Longwood. Gillian has a career record of 90-211. Seriously. How does he keep his job for 10 seasons? Keep your head up Mike, there is life outside of Farmville, VA & Longwood U.
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it’s disgusted: D-I-S-G-U-S-T-E-D.
Let me know if you need Jerry’s e-mail address. And by the way, read the blue text on top right of page. Thanks.
For those interested, Mr. Black deleted this comment…twice:
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME ??? King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Mark 12:31 “And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Our Schools are 45 minutes apart. There is absolutely NO NEED for this. I am Appalled and will be emailing a link to this to Jerry Falwell Jr, the President and Chancellor of Liberty University. As a Longwood University Student and a Christian, I am Discussed.”
this makes me not wanna go to liberty
I hear Longwood is a great school and has a decent English department.
Lol, if you Liberty cretins would get laid every once in awhile, you wouldn’t be so frustrated.
Some people don’t have a sense of humor. Of course, I laughed the entire 30 minutes watching Liberty mop Longwood all across the floor.
dude, liberty lost. the original LU won.
Corey is right, what kind of Christian trash talks another school. What sort of Values were instilled in you. Regardless if Liberty is better that Longwood, it is completely uncalled for to post this crap. It makes you, the Alumni, and Liberty look like poor sports.
This is just wrong, I would think that Bible thumpers would have have this thing called “humility”. If the phrase is true that a group is represented by it’s loudest idiot then God help the Christian race!
Go align yourself with Liberty University’s Christian Values. Hate in any form is unacceptable. Before you made this post did you think “What would Jesus do?”… Seriously. Ruffling feathers at Longwood is a weak attempt to stay relevant. It is laughable that any Liberty student would see this as a rivalry; the interest is not mutual.
Flames Nation – I am an alum of Liberty (class of 88) and have a daughter that is a Senior at Longwood. Today she pointed me to this website and I must admit I am embarrassed by the “Hate Longwood Day” title. Even in fun, this goes too far. Not for Liberty people, but for those not at Liberty. It continues the stereotype of Liberty and gives others a reason to hate on Liberty. Flames Nation – be better than “haters”!
This is so cute!!!!!! How does it feel to look like idiots after getting schooled on?!?!?!!! Congrats on talking trash then getting shut up ob the court!!!! NAH NAH NAH NAH HEY HEY HEY GOOOODBYEEEEEEE!!!!! GO LANCERS!!!!
As an alum of Liberty, I’m ashamed at everyone taking this page so seriously. Its sport, an event based around a game! Trash talk is just a part of it, get off your LU high horse and laugh a little!
I agree Fowl be nice if a rivalry grew here. That being said I hope you all enjoyed that L tonight. I enjoyed watching it.
Yep. Good to see the close-minded nature of holier than thou Christians hasn’t changed since The LUnatics left. We ran into this stuff all the time. It’s a joke. Get over yourselves. This is tame compared to most schools.
Fans on either side, there is no need to get up-tight about this. These arguments, debates, poking fun of is part of the greatness of college rivalries. Longwood sees this as more of a rivalry than Liberty does (Obviously, they rushed the court against after beating a 9-18 team). I don’t see how having fun with this ruins the any kind of testimony on Liberty’s part. Unless you have this idea that God has no sense of humor, hates to have fun, and actually gave a rip about this game.
honestly most of us here in Farmville aren’t taking this personally we find it funny our 5-22 basketball team was getting hate at all. That being said to spite the rough season there is a lot of support around our sports programs now with joining a conference. That being said at 1st I cringed when we started to rush the floor because I’m a huge sports fan but I got over it and joined because why not its college lets have fun. I have no issue with this though at all hope it sparks this as a rivalry.
To the people who are saying “get over yourselves”, did you really think Longwood fans would just shake their heads and giggle to themselves? this page pokes fun at something that people care about, and those people found it. This is the internet. Emotions are magnified, jokes are criticized. You want to stir the air, you get a reaction. Now everybody pull your pants up this pissin contest is over
God bless
Gotta love Christians who are only Christian when it’s convenient, perceived, harmless sports rivalry or not…
So who won?
You see, pages like these are made by the kinds of Christians who enjoying using arguments such as: “Without religion, how do you have morals?” “Without God, what’s to keep you from murder, theft, and all other sorts of crime.” You see, these are the people who lack something called empathy, and without religion to guide them, they’d be horrible people. Every once in a while, their repugnant nature surfaces; however, let us take solace in the fact that they are at such a fine theological establishment to continue learning how to be a good Christian. And may God bless us, everyone of us.
As Vice-President of the Lancer Lunatics I am fine with this page, but when your own SGA President gets smart and is supposed to be the face of the student body, then I get upset. This is a great rivalry that the two schools have against each other, but I feel that someone needed to think they made that huge mistake. I was pleased with many Liberty student fans that came up and shook my hand after the game just shows some character that Liberty really has. If you do not like this post then you can just ignore this comment.