Do you have an interest in sports graphic design? If so, we are looking for a designer to create pieces focusing on Liberty Football and Basketball for our website and thousands of social media followers. Apply now!

This is a great and easy way to spruce up your portfolio. Our previous interns have landed jobs working for Appalachian State Football, Liberty men’s basketball, and Liberty football.

Are you passionate about Liberty Flames sports? Are you looking for a way to get your name and content in front of thousands?

If so, we’re looking for experienced, passionate creatives to publish quality pieces for our website and various social media profiles. We don’t provide pay to start, but we do provide opportunities to get credentialed to LU events, including basketball, baseball, softball, and football games.

This is an entry-level position in sports media. Ideally, candidates will have a working portfolio that can be shared during the interview process.

Our ideal candidate:

  • Has some knowledge about LU sports
  • Is able to create pieces quickly while remaining accurate.
  • Is a self-starter who can work with minimal direction.
  • Possesses solid communication skills.

How to apply

Please email with the following info:

1. Full Name, Email Address, and availability.

2. Examples of your content and links to any previous work you have done.

We look forward to hearing from you!